Elite-C (v4)

Elite-C (v4)

1: Per Pack

The Elite-C is an Pro Micro drop-in Microcontroller developed to offer a better alternative to the Pro Micro while still being fully backwards-compatible. It sports the very same AVR ATmega32u4 8-bit microcontroller which has an integrated USB controller and pin-out while adding 6 more pins. Like the name states, the Elite-C features a more modern USB-C port which is also more durable and less prone to tear-out. Since almost all keyboards utilize the Pro Micro's footprint, this drop-in upgrade is a great way to take any board you build to the next level.

The newest iteration, the Elite-C v4, features a 'low-pro' design and is the new standard for the Elite-C. Not only is the v4 shorter in height that the previous version, it is more durable. The center-mount USB C connector is considerably more sturdy and also decreases the total height of the Microcontroller. Another new addition is the inclusion of a VBUS pin that is broken out and placed directly above pin B0 on the PCB.

  • b-stock atm the fr4 on this batch is 2mm instead of 1.6mm no real change to usability.


  • atmega


  • 5v

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